Mashhad Faculty of Dentistry was founded by Dr. Badri Timurtash and Dr. Amir Ismail Sandouzi in 1965. As the second institution among the national universities within the higher education framework, it awarded Doctor of Dentistry (DDS) degrees to the graduated students. The proposal for establishing this faculty was submitted to the Planning and Budget Organization of Iran in the early 1950s. Dr. Fereidoun Farzin was the first dean of the faculty Dr. Badri Taymurtash was his administrative and financial deputy and Dr. Amir Esmaeil Sanduzi was responsible for cultural deputy. In 1967, Dr. Farzin was selected as the head of Shahid Beheshti Dental School, so Dr. Badri Taymurtash became the second Dean of the Faculty. She was the first female dentist who was elected as the head of a dental school in Iran.
Initially, classrooms and dental laboratories were located on Israr Street, and medical units at Koohsangi Street. The current building of the Faculty of Dentistry was constructed in 1974 in three building blocks and on two floors in the infrastructure of 20000 square meters, at the beginning of Vakil Abad Blvd., and in 2017, the third floor was added to the main building.
Since 1979, Mashhad Dental faculty has expanded its educational programs by beginning specialized courses in oral and maxillofacial surgery and endodontics, so that now this faculty accepts students in 10 specialized fields and two fellowship courses in a unique educational environment. So far, 3008 general dentists and 704 specialist dentists have graduated from this faculty and 740 students and 90 residents are studying general and specialized dentistry courses.
Currently, the faculty has eight classrooms (with a capacity of = 100 people), four seminar halls, an open plan library, a meeting hall with a capacity of 300 people, a dental hospital for performing anesthesia treatments, and 10 dental treatment wards, totaling 330 dental treatment units, a permanent 115 emergency base, a central laboratory, four prosthetic laboratories, three periodontal clinics, a laser unit, a dental materials laboratory, two special dining halls for students and staff with a capacity of 200 people in a 25,000 square meter area, making it the largest dental school in Iran.
The following departments have clinical treatment units that provide patients with specialized-oriented services. while residents perform practical therapeutic procedures in these wards, they also spend time in hospital departments to pass their educational courses. Oral and maxillofacial pathology, Pediatric Dentistry, Prosthodontics, Periodontics, Orthodontics, Restorative Dentistry, Endodontics, Oral and Maxillofacial Medicine, Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology, Oral and maxillofacial surgery.
The Mashhad School of Dentistry, equipped with specialized oral and maxillofacial pathologists, gladly accepts biopsy samples from all oral and dental treatment centers located in the city of Mashhad. In this laboratory, various routine pathology equipment is available, including a tissue processor, microtome, and tissue flap. Here, we carry out regular tissue sectioning and staining for pathology using the Hematoxylin and eosin method.
at the Dental School is equipped with all the necessary facilities to perform CBCT scans, OPG imaging, Cephalometric imaging, various types of intraoral radiography, as well as patient ultrasounds.
The Mashhad School of Dentistry, equipped with specialized oral and maxillofacial pathologists, gladly
accepts biopsy samples from all oral and dental treatment centers located in the city of Mashhad. In this
laboratory, various routine pathology equipment is available, including a tissue processor, microtome, and
tissue flap. Here, we carry out regular tissue sectioning and staining for pathology using the Hematoxylin
and eosin method.
The Radiology Department at the Dental School is equipped with all the necessary facilities to perform
CBCT scans, OPG imaging, Cephalometric imaging, various types of intraoral radiography, as well as
patient ultrasounds.
This unit specializes in accommodating patients who have experienced dental treatments and are presenting with oral lesions and nerve anesthesia. The unit is equipped with various advanced tools, including a CO2 laser, high-power diode laser, low-power laser devices, as well as red and infrared lasers, and an ER/AG laser. This unit specializes in accommodating patients who have experienced dental treatments and are presenting with oral lesions and nerve anesthesia. The unit is equipped with various advanced tools, including a CO2 laser, high-power diode laser, low-power laser devices, as well as red and infrared lasers, and an ER/AG laser. <br> The laser unit has carried out more than 80 research projects and theses in the field of laser. This unit also offers various educational, research, and workshop courses and units in laser for professors, residents, and dental students.
The faculty's ground floor houses this department, which comprises a conference room accommodating 20
people, a waiting room, an examination room for 3 people, and a surgery room with space for 4 units. It is
fully equipped with kits for a wide range of implant surgeries.
In this department, all types of implant treatments are performed, including both simple and complex
procedures, as well as jaw reconstruction involving soft and hard tissue. Additionally, the department
specializes in guided surgery and subperiosteal implants. The assistants of oral and maxillofacial surgery
and periodontology receive specific training within the department, while undergraduate students complete
theoretical and practical implant units. Every year, since 1403, one or two individuals have been accepted
for periodontology-implant surgery
The hospital unit has two active operating rooms and is prepared to admit patients for full anesthesia treatment. The hospital is equipped with an anesthesia machine, monitors, a two-chamber sialic light, electrocautery, central oxygen and N2O, a recovery area, and a range of specialized dental equipment. Surgery, implant, endo, restoration, pediatric, and biopsy residents can perform specialized dental procedures in this hospital.
Before entering the clinical stage and starting treatment on patients' teeth, dental students begin their work in pre-clinics and laboratories on dental casts. Among the most equipped pre-clinics of the faculty, we can mention the Reparation, Prosthesis, and Endo pre-clinics.
The unit that operates under the supervision of the Faculty of Dentistry library tries to provide students with the most up-to-date electronic books, scientific databases, and electronic theses. There is a digital library on the Faculty of Dentistry website.
Doctor of Dental Surgery (DDS)