Iran's primary health care system is a unique model in the region and the world.
Iran's primary health care system is a unique model in the region and the world.

The President, in a message to the conference honoring the exemplary Behvarzes, health trainers, and health caregivers of the country in the holy city of Mashhad, emphasized that "primary health care in Iran is a unique model in the region and the world," and stated that "the government is grateful for the dedication of Behvarzes."

The healthcare per capita allocation for Mashhad University of 
Medical Sciences is below the national average.
The healthcare per capita allocation for Mashhad University of Medical Sciences is below the national average.

The President of Mashhad University of Medical Sciences stated that approximately seven million people are covered by the healthcare services provided by the university. Despite having a healthcare per capita allocation below the national average, the university's healthcare staff work tirelessly and wholeheartedly to ensure that services are delivered effectively to the people.